Moonman's Incredibly Offensive Game

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If you have a couple hours to spend not running your Minecraft server, this ritual is one you might want to try. This ritual could very well get you a nice friendly conversation with the leader of the KKK, Moonman. It's very simple to preform. Here's what you'll need-
-A goats pelvic Hair
-A mirror approximately 123.02394082413 years old
-A Minion Body Pillow
-666 lost episode tapes
-69 cursed exe games that you bought off of ebay for 50 cents
-A rubber didlo
-1 gallon of Barry The Bee's semen, or honey, whichever is easier.
Like I said, nothing crazy, household items anyone can find if you get your lazy ass up for a second. If you need a couple lost episode tapes take a walk in the park, you're bound to find at least 76 of them.
The ritual has to be done in a Babies r Us, at 1:37 AM. Get there a minute too early, or a minute too late, the Great and almighty Moonman will probably think of you as a faggot and not respond. Like I said, you have to be dedicated. Break in to the Babies r Us, and go to the Men's Bathroom as Moonman is sexist and won't respond if you're in the Woman's Bathroom. Oh yeah, and before you go in there, here are some things you won't wanna bring-
-An edgy Meme shirt
-Any electronic device other than a Leapster
-Edgy things
-Any meme things
Go to the bathroom, place down the Mirror you brought, anywhere you want to, take Barry semen, or Honey, and draw a circle around the mirror, which will keep Moonman inside the mirror. In front of the mirror, place the Goats pelvic hair. Place the Minion body pillow behind you. After that say this out loud-
Then after 0.32864852823 say this in the most fucking pathetic way you can-
"Can I be in Faze now?"
After that you should hear the word "k". In a text to speech voice, that is how you will know that he is in the room with you. There is also HYPER-REALISTIC BLOOD EVERYWHERE, if you notice it, but it's rather hidden. This is when he will ask-
"Give me the good shit"
Which is when you take out your 666 lost episode tapes, put all 666 of the in front of the mirror, where he should be staring at you. It will look EXACTLY like the picture below.
You have a rough estimate of .06666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666661 seconds to pull out all of the tapes.
You will then be able to talk to him as you want, ask him questions, for he is an ancient being, but more importantly, in Faze clan. If you did happen to bring your PC, he came prepared, and he WILL NOT be the one to decline your 1v1 challenge. Warning, you will get your anas fucked. But if you want to play a nice game of chess, he'll be fine with that too.
If you want to ask him questions, which is not on fleek as the kids would say, you have to ask him in a voice which resembles the one of Mutahar pretending to be a 12 year old trying to join Faze. You may ask him what the new trending meme will be, why Trump became president, or maybe how to get laid, since Moonman IS a big pussyslayer. But say if you ask him the cure for cancer, he knows it, he'll just not say it because he's a fucking cunt. He'll try desperately to get you to look behing you, but don't. What's behind you are, ''skelingtons, ''making eye contact with them will cause World War 5, it's so intense it skips over the other two, what do you mean it doesn't work like that, no mind is more stable then one that has just smoked 10 pounds of crystal meth, since I'm not much of a smoker, smoking is bad for your health.
Here are a few rules when speaking with him-
-He'll ask you questions, don't answer them, as there will be totally tubular consequences, instead say the phrase "Nice bro".
-Don't ask him anything that would benefit you or humanity Moonman IS a cunt after all
-Don't exeed 5.43867540593475023 hours, as he will Moonman the shit out of you
-Don't be rude, Moonman is a sensative, lad, and his feelings will get hurt
-No mentioning of Shadow the Edgehog, as Shadow was the only one who beat him in CoD, he was using aimbot. Moonman then fell into a deep depression and commited a suicided. Hence why you need to do a bunch of pointless cliche shit to summon him.
If you choose to end the conversation say this phrase-
"Mission failed, we'll get em next time."
Then proceed to brofist Moonman.
If he doesn't leave, Take out the rubber dildo, and while he'll be pissed off, and a bit aroused, he'll fuck off. Destroy the mirror, because Moonman will come out and ask for a 1v1, if he wins, YOU DIE, if he loses YOU DIE, if you decline, he'll leave.
Oh yeah by the way, if you go out and do all of this, it's just a prank bro.